I am an artist and educator. I hand-build, sculpt, throw on the wheel, draw, paint, and educate. New work (2021)

Kimberly Cook, MFA Spatial Art Ceramics
Teaching Experience:
- Ceramic Adjunct Faculty Foothill College, De Anza College, & West Valley College
- Beginning & Advanced Ceramic Classes: Hand building, Pottery Wheel, Figurative Ceramics
- Non-ceramic related classes: Color Theory I & II, Design I, Art Appreciation, Art History, Drawing
- The Girls Middle School - Ceramics Teacher
- Interlochen Center for the Arts (High School) - Ceramics Teacher/Ceramic Art Residency
Graduate Teaching Assistant - San Jose State University
Complete CV and artist's statement available upon request:
email:[email protected]
To view some of my student's work, please click on the link below:
New News : (Check out my new pottery page above!)
NCECA, Richmond, VA - 2020
Pottery Making Illustrated, May/June Issue, 2020
Clay Art Center, NY - Jan. - April 2018
China Ceramics Illustrated, Bejing - March 2017
NCECA, Portland, OR - 2017
Kimberly Cook is an adjunct professor at Foothill College/De Anza College, West Valley College, and Del Mar College. She teaches Beginning and Advanced Ceramics. These classes include hand-building, pottery wheel classes and figure modeling classes in ceramics. She also teaches Color Theory I & II, Design I, Art Appreciation, Art History, and Drawing. She has taught art in middle and high school grades as well, at the Girls Middle School and at Interlochen Center for the Arts.
She is a working artist and educator, using clay as the primary medium of expression. She attended Texas A & M University, College Station, Texas, where she studied Liberal Arts, and in 2009, she completed her MFA in Spatial Art at San Jose State University.
Cook also works in metal sculpture, scultpure, 3D design, textiles, photography and film, and has shown her work internationally. She has received multiple scholarships for her work, including the Elizabeth Heil Scholarship, the Sandra Johnstone Memorial Scholarship, the John French Scholarship, and a California State Grant for assistance in lifecast/moldmaking. Kimberly also received a full graduate scholarship from the University of Tennessee at Knoxville and was accepted into five additional MFA programs, including San Jose State
University, where she decided to pursue her MFA in Spatial Arts. Cook also enjoys working in theater and has performed
professionally with City Lights Theater, Saratoga Drama Group, San Jose State University theater, and MACLA.
In June 2012, she completed a year long ceramic artist and teaching residency at Interlochen Center for the Arts, in Michigan. Her sculptural work is part of numerous private collections, including a permanent installation on the campus of Notre Dame de Namur University in Belmont, California and the W. Keith and Janet Kellogg University Art Gallery at Cal Poly Pomona University, and Galeria Galateea, Bucharest, Romania (2012). In November 2012, she completed a five week artist residency in Laugarvatn, Iceland. Her work has also been published in China Ceramics Illustrated (2017) and shown at NCECA (2017). You may view some of her older work online in Ceramics Now magazine at http://www.ceramicsnow.org/kimberlycook.
Kimberly Cook's ceramic sculptures live in a world of play, daring, and ribald humor. She builds upon personal and mythological narratives to create complex ceramic works that are lively, poetic and mesmerizing. ~Natalie Nelson, Director/Curator Pence Gallery
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